Monday, December 22, 2008

FURgie update

I haven't had the time to update FURgie's blog for a while now, but here is a more recent photo of FURgie (cell phone photo, not D40).....sleeping. She now lives in the Washington DC area in a bigger apartment and has her own bedroom and bathroom. What a little princess!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

FURgie the fox

FURgie frequently looks like other animals. This day she resembled a fox...a sleeping fox who heard the shutter of my D40. So she woke up and kept an eye on me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

FURgie the cat imitates a Meerkat

Look into my eyes....look into my eyes....give me treats. Treats. Oh...and fingers to bite too. Yesss, fingerrsss...

Friday, August 8, 2008


Kung-Fu cat! Hiiiiyyyyaaaaaaaa!!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

FURgie the lioness

Today she looks like a lioness.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

FURgie takes a sheet

FURgie likes to roll around and hug bed sheets, when she is not busy kneeding an licking them!

Monday, July 21, 2008

FURgie is so cute and sleepy again...

She fell asleep bracing against my leg, but I moved so that her mamma (my wife) could take this shot. The wife is getting really good with this photography stuff. Check out her blog.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kitten likes grass

We read that cats eat grass to help with digestion, and since no grass grows in our apartment, I bought some. FURgie really liked it and would even push her whole face into it! I just hope she sticks to eating it and not try to smoke the thing...the smoke detector is really annoying! Also realized that my previous series of photos really sucked!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Part 5: Finally - FURgie licker of condensation!

After a long time (the entertainment value of sitting around with a camera waiting for her to do something was quickly diminishing) of checking out the situation from every angle and not surprisingly getting slightly distracted, FURgie the inquisitive decided that she wanted to lick the condensation on the outside of the glass instead of putting her furry head into the glass to drink Coke (she's done that with water already). Now no condensation coated glass is safe in FURgie's presence. Look at those eyes! She is a bit more orange in this photo that her actual color. I think I really have to stick to one setting for the D40 and the SB400 flash when I am taking sequential shots.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Part 4: FURgie checks it out from down low

FURgie remembered the Coke, checked it out from a different angle and started sniffing the Coke. What terrible habbits this kitten is developing! I now have a problem. I have been playing with the Nikon SB400 flash, the Nikon D40 settings and Nikon D-lighting using both the D40's built in D-lighting and also Nikon's Capture NX 2 software D-lighting applied to my RAW images and have been getting some varied results. To see what I mean, look at the other images in this series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Part 3: FURgie checks it out from another angle

There was a momentary distraction (the internet is so compelling for FURges) then this little 12 month old kitten remembered the Coke! But before making her move she checks it out from another angle!
Part 1
Part 2

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Part 2: FURgie is temporarily distracted from the glass of Coke...

FURgie the kitten gets temporarily distracted from my glass of Coke by an apparent incoming comment on her laptop by an anonymous poster on her blog! Kittens make great multi-taskers.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Part 1: Hmmmm...whatever will I do with this glass of Coke?!

All of that typing and TV watching makes little FURgie really thirsty! FURgie watched it for a while from every angle as she plotted her next move with my glass of Coke (and for FURgie, the glass is always full). This sequence of shots is hilarious, so stay tuned!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mine, all mine!

FURgie owns LCD TV's, KEF's, leather table, scratches on leather table, orange and green ball-feather things, lots of fur, crappy photos of herself, the people that live in the apartment with her....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Aaarggghhh first I eat your finger, then your hand!

This little kitty ate my hand with sharp little teeth. Nuff said.

Monday, June 23, 2008

FURgie's professional kitten pose complete with background!

This little kitten is really photogenic, sometimes, but those times are great. We've only had her for about two weeks and already she has grown a lot. The SB100 flash worked perfectly by bouncing off of the ceiling. Also the exposure compensation on the Nikon D40 had to be increased.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Kitten falls asleep again

FURgie the kitten falls asleep again and this is proof that it happens however and wherever she wants, again and again. Also found out that I can only get about 300 shots with the Nikon SB400 external flash before the 2 AA batteries are discharged. Before the batteries died completely, I noticed that the red light on the back of the flash was blinking and most photos were dark even though the flash flashed (low power flash).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kitten gets comfortable with a paw over paw move

She is really photogenic. I am starting to think she knows what I am doing when I am photographing her.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This little kitten sleeps anywhere and everywhere

ZZZZZZZZ.... FURgie is so comfortable with us and our apartment that she falls asleep wherever she wants!

FURgie does a Clint Eastwood impression

The combination of FURgie's little squint and mustache looks hilarious. I'm really liking what Nikon's SB400 flash can do. So far it seems like a really powerful flash for indoor shooting.

Monday, June 16, 2008

FURgie the inquisitive

This photo really shows how fluffy FURgie is and the kitten's unique colour patterning, peach(!) with gray. She was busy looking at the D40's external Nikon SB400 flash.

FURgie the kitten poses for the Nikon D40 SLR

FURgie is surprisingly photogenic and seemed to want to pose for the SLR!

FURgie learns to climb

The little kitten FURgie learned to climbed her scratching post on the second day home but was afraid to get down. The Nikon D40 shutter may have surprised her just a little.